Are you shy, quiet, reserved, keep to yourself, afraid to speak your mind, do things just to please others to be accepted. I was all that and more, and to some extent still some of that, but a work in progress.
Have you ever asked yourself why you seem to be different. Why you can’t achieve what other people seem to achieve so effortlessly. Have you ever thought that there must be something wrong with you because your mind comes up with things that other people regard as crazy. Have you followed the masses even though your heart didn’t agree with their thinking. What the hell is happening to you?
Hello! You are not alone, I am here to tell you, there is nothing wrong with you. You are unique, made in the image of God, Allah, Jahweh, the Universe, Source, Gaia etc. You are an individuation of your maker, bestowed with gifts and talents unique to you. Your creator is experiencing itself through you. There is no right or wrong, it is just an experience. Explore your gifts and talents and let your unique nature come to light and the world will be enriched with your contribution, no need to be a copy cat.
Knowing this, wouldn’t you want to explore and get the most of your experience in this time space reality. Go on and enjoy the ride. While at it, remember this, you are love. Be truthful, kind, compassionate, understanding, forgiving, generous and wise. Know that whatever you think, say and do will come back to you tenfold. So live in peace and harmony with all beings, we share the same space and we are one, from the same source. Since we are not going to be in the physical realm forever, what are you going to leave behind that will make this world a better place than you found it, a benefit to the future generation. This is on you!!! Go on …
