Be aware of the immutable and irrefutable fact that how you think affects every cell in your body.
What you think about all the time affects how you look, feel and the way you carry yourself. These are issues in the tissues. The cause is on the inside and the effect is what we see on the outside. To change the effect you have to change the cause. And what is the cause? It’s how you think. What then, is the effect? The effect is the results of your thoughts.
It doesn’t matter whether your thoughts are positive or negative, the results will always reflect what you think about most of the time. Your thoughts are the creative forces behind how you experience your life. When you are conscious of the thoughts you think, you will create the effects you desire.
If you don’t like what you see in the physical, stop rehearsing what you don’t like by changing the cause and start thinking about what you desire. E.g. If you are always saying to yourself “I’m old" ...don’t be surprised when your body responds accordingly!
Your power is the way you think. Use it to your benefit! All of us have the capacity to think whatever thoughts we want and this is reflected in the physical by the lives we are experiencing. Your thoughts are not a secret, we see them by the type of life you are presently experiencing. Take conscious responsibility of the direction of your life. Know your power!
